Fall College Tour
Now through the end of November I will mostly present at US universities starting with Mt. Holyoke this evening. Often these events are sponsored by one of the LGBT groups on campus, but sometimes other groups book a queer speaker to come as part of a social justice program, diversity event or even a religious sponsored forum.The schedule is not firmed up yet, but so far, we have confirmed:
Oct 11: Mount Holyoke College
Oct 17: Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Oct 31: Sarah Lawrence College
Still in the works are presentations at NYU, Old Dominion University, Ramapo College and Knox College.
What I like about going to universities is that you never know who will show up. Some professors encourage that their students come to the presentation as part of the classwork. Also, conservative Christians come to the shows and often ask questions during the Q&A session and afterwards.
At the Southern Illinois website a running debate has developed over university's GLBT history month. The comments look like this:
Ashamed II wrote on October 10, 2006 10:07 PM:"Any wonder why the State of Illinois is broke? What's next? Transgender Appreciation Month?And it goes on and on and on... Needless to say, we have work to do to help break through the fears and assumptions and ugliness on all sides.
Whatajoke! wrote on October 10, 2006 9:31 PM:"Kevin, You obviously aren't happy in America. Why don't you move to France where they embrace your lifestyle openly without regret. You would lose all this anger and since tax-waste is of no concern to you, the 75% income tax wouldn't bother you one bit."
JImmy John wrote on October 10, 2006 6:19 PM:"Well, shucks, I was scanning the list of the hollow events that will be taking place during this awesome or awful (depending on your gender thought) celebration. One of the events- I am gonna make an effort to attend. It is titled "Screaming Queens..." Nothing like being in the presence of a bunch of screaming queens-doggies I wonder how many will wear ther boa's. Can't wait for that action. Oh yes, Kevin should attend also if he can refrain from his endless quacking. Oink oink"
Leave each othe alone wrote on October 10, 2006 9:54 AM:"Let Gays be Gays let Straights be Straights....I dont care...But it is not neccessary to have a parade and a "month" for everything. We only have 12 months in a year we are going to run out. What is next? "Beer belly overweight fat dude month". Get a grip...Live your lives and leave everyone else alone....I leave you alone. I dont care what you do in your life and I sure as heck dont need to have a parade and a history month to celebrate my life... That goes for overzealous religious side too leave everyone else alone... You are not the worlds saviour so back off....So many of us are just tired of it.."
Kevin wrote on October 10, 2006 9:27 AM:"Give me a break - And now you are an expert on genetics? What we DO know is that you can't be born evangelical "Christian," yet they still demand special rights.
Do let me know if you stop into Providence. We have a dozen or so colleges here and I would love to take you out to coffee.....
Joe, you need to hook me up with one of your Providence contacts and THEN we can meet for coffee!
I dont really have any contacts at the colleges. I know someone at RI Pride, but I actually don't get that involved in local stuff.
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